Wednesday, April 7, 2010

sweet (and salty) potatoes

I don't even like french fries any more. But who can resist salty and sugary sweet potato fries?
Don't worry, ours are still healthy guaranteed!

Peel your sweet potatoes, especially if they are not organic. The pesticides that prevail in conventional soil will be most dense on the skins of root vegetables such as potatoes, beets and carrots. Slice those potatoes really thin for more crispness in your fries.

There are so many ways to season "fries". This time I coated a cookie sheet with a little olive oil, honey, salt, pepper, and cinnamon. I'm careful not to put too much liquid on there because it will make the potatoes soggy. Then I tossed on the thinly sliced sweet potato so that the oil-honey blend covered them and they were evenly spaced on the sheet.

We broiled them on high on the top rack. If you don't have a broiler or an oven with 'Broil' setting, you can set your oven to a temperature somewhere above 450* f. Depending on how thin you sliced the potatoes and how hot your oven gets, they will take about 20 minutes give or take. Don't forget to flip them over mid-way!

The second round of unFries, Sarah thought it may be more effective to use a rack instead of a cookie sheet so the heat would circulate around the potatoes and encourage crispiness. This was somewhat effective, but we decided to put them back on the cookie sheet to get that oil on the unFries for flavor.

They are so hot and yet so yummy, slide them onto paper towel to cool a little, but if you're like our photographer, you may not be able to wait for that!